Alan Nathaniel Kemp

Alan Nathaniel Kemp

  • Artist’s Statement

    The Bunya Pine, a majestic evergreen tree, has been a recurring subject matter throughout my artistic practice. Its striking visual presence, from the dome-like crown to the sharp leaves, has captivated my attention. In 2019, my fascination shifted to the cones, with their eerie, alien-like appearance reminiscent of eggs or sci-fi starships.
    During my art degree, I developed a three-piece plaster mold that immortalised the natural formation of the cones, capturing their intricate details and essence. I began exploring textures and shapes, augmenting or subtracting from the clay to infuse the cones with my own creative essence, while preserving their organic integrity.
    Through my artwork, I offer a glimpse into the unique world of the Bunya Pines, showcasing their unparalleled aesthetic. My drawing and photography practices document the slow decline of these majestic trees, highlighting their grand scale and emphasizing the importance of preserving their legacy.

  • Biography

    My name is N.K. Alan, and I've worked in various creative mediums over the years, including drawing, photography, and ceramics. I use these mediums as a visual avenue to express the organic structures of Bunya Cones.
    Through developing these mediums, I've gained a deeper understanding of the natural world and the distinctive formation of the Bunya itself. The tree is an iconic presence on the skyline, an ancient and larger-than-life entity.
    This concept developed during my years in art school, where I focused on using both nature and the artificial as my subject matter, exploring the intersections and contrasts between the two. This has grown into a series of works that challenge our perceptions of the natural world and our place within it.

  • Influences

    My artistic influences are rooted in the contrasting environments of Queensland suburbia and the majestic range of pine trees. The surrealist masterpieces of Salvador Dali have greatly inspired my work, as have the ceramic creations of Australian artist Dan Elborne. The intersection of these influences has shaped my unique artistic voice and informed my exploration of the Bunya Pine's organic forms

  • Exhibitions

    August of 2019. Had first solo exhibition at Red Door Gallery located at USQ
    June of 2020. had my second solo exhibition N.K.Alan Ceramics and Drawing at a commercial gallery Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery.

Showing all 2 artworks

Alan Nathaniel Kemp

A black glazed Bunya Cone (2019)
19 x 14 x 14 cm Ceramics Sculpture $450.00

Alan Nathaniel Kemp

Bunya Blue (2020)
19 x 14 x 14 cm Glazed ceramic with underglazes and clear glaze. $400.00